Resident Evil 5 Ps3 100 Save File

My PS3 recently crashed beyond repair, I had only just completed the proffessional difficulty the night before had every available weapon fully upgraded and with infinite ammo, i had also just purchased the final action figure, I also had just got all the trophies including platinum! Due to my PS3 crashing I have lost all the saves for the game. I dont think I've the heart to start it all over again so is there anyone out there who would be willing to email me their saves for this game? Would be more than greatefull!!!!! Smegzilla wrote: HUYI wrote: you should have backed up your gamesave using the backup utility, fortunate for me i did just that before it went capout, so when i get a replacement hopefully my gamesave will be restored. Aparrently it won't copy protected saves back to your profile if you're using a different (new) PS3. From what I've heard there's no way to back up protected saves properly. I read on the usa forums that they do work on a new ps3, at least 3 topics were saying that they did copy over, the only way i will know myself is when i get my new ps3, fingers crossed they do.
Nov 13, 2017. Resident Evil 5 SaveGame download. How To Install: Unzip the archive on your USB drive and copy the file respecting the structure PS3/SAVEDATA/XXXXXXXXXX. Insert the USB device into your PS3. Go to the manager of backups from the XMB and you'll save your. Resident Evil 5 SaveGame (Ps3). I can confirm that the Resident Evil 5 save does NOT back up to a new. Using the HD with the save on in another PS3 console will not work. Resident Evil 5 saves.
HUYI wrote: Smegzilla wrote: HUYI wrote: you should have backed up your gamesave using the backup utility, fortunate for me i did just that before it went capout, so when i get a replacement hopefully my gamesave will be restored. Aparrently it won't copy protected saves back to your profile if you're using a different (new) PS3. From what I've heard there's no way to back up protected saves properly.
I read on the usa forums that they do work on a new ps3, at least 3 topics were saying that they did copy over, the only way i will know myself is when i get my new ps3, fingers crossed they do. Well I hope they're right for your sake (and perhaps mine too eventually since my 60GB is still clinging onto life). PresidentEvilX wrote: Sure, i'll check my save tommorow and see if it work's and get back to you. The sequence i used was to 1. Make a FULL backup to an External Seagate usb HDD using backup utility.
(This includes user accounts, PSN ID's etc.) 2. Restore to a new refurb PS3, with a NEW(different) HDD. Free Rdp Serial Port Redirection Attack. Fingers crossed it works, as the idea of having to do everything over again is pretty daunting, took me quite some time to unlock everything.
I'll update you tommorow. Good luck, and i know what you mean, i worked very hard to complete 100%. HUYI wrote: PresidentEvilX wrote: Sure, i'll check my save tommorow and see if it work's and get back to you.
The sequence i used was to 1. Make a FULL backup to an External Seagate usb HDD using backup utility. (This includes user accounts, PSN ID's etc.) 2. Restore to a new refurb PS3, with a NEW(different) HDD. Fingers crossed it works, as the idea of having to do everything over again is pretty daunting, took me quite some time to unlock everything. I'll update you tommorow. Good luck, and i know what you mean, i worked very hard to complete 100% Did you manage the restore yet,?
I am interested in this outcome as I hear everywhere after a full backup restore protected saves dont copy back. (On a NEW machine that is.) - (Resi 5, KZ2 etc). I can confirm that the Resident Evil 5 save does NOT back up to a new console, neither by backing up the save by itself, or by using the full backup utility, so i'm pretty upset i've lost everything i had unlocked/achieved. Also, using the HD with the save on in another PS3 console will not work either, as the console asks for it to be formatted (or it did for me anyway). Oh well, i suppose the game is fantastic enough to warrant another few playthroughs, but always bear in mind that if your console manages to fail, it's unlikely your going to get your save back or be able to use it again, although paying the £145 for Sony to repair the console it was created on may be the only way i can think of that will work, but it's really not worth it.
Hope this helped. Edit: i'll double check my KZ2 for everyone aswell, as i also had some saves from the game on the HDD (hope i don't loose them aswell), after checking the Resi 5 saves i'm not confident the KZ2 ones will work either, but atleast everyone will know. Paranoimia wrote: FoxHound44 wrote: I think when you go to backup the PS3 it dose say that Copyright Protected content maynot get backed up. Copy protected stuff is backed up, but only restored if it's on the same PS3.
Which to be honest, is ridiculous, users should be able to back up their saves incase the console bites the bullet, and the fact that some developers use this copyright stuff is just plain stupid. I understand that its to stop users from trading saves for easy trophys and the likes, but it can easily be fixed by tying the saves to the PS ID it was created on, a bit like the 360 does. PresidentEvilX wrote: Which to be honest, is ridiculous, users should be able to back up their saves incase the console bites the bullet, and the fact that some developers use this copyright stuff is just plain stupid.
I understand that its to stop users from trading saves for easy trophys and the likes, but it can easily be fixed by tying the saves to the PS ID it was created on, a bit like the 360 does. Hey, I didn't say it wasn't stupid. Just that that's how it is!:smileyhappy: I don't see why they do it either. Uncharted saves can be backed up, I believe, and you can't trade them for Trophies. So it is possible.