Six Sigma Kano Template
Six Sigma - KANO Analysis Example for a Software Application.
Resource: Dissatisfier, satisfier and delighter The Kano Model is also referred to as Kano Analysis. Noriaki Kano is a Japanese engineer and consultant, whose work is being used by a growing number of Japanese and American companies. The model is based on 3 categories of customer needs: 1. Dissatisfiers, (basic requirements, or “must be’s”): The customer expects these basic requirements as part of the total package. If the basic requirements are not present, the customer will be unhappy. Satisfiers, (variable requirements, or “more is better”): When the requirements of the customer are met, the more it is met, the better. The tourist taking a Caribbean cruise expects a week of entertainment and food at a reasonable price.
The more the tourist is taken care of on the cruise, the better it is. In fact, the cabin help, dining room help, or any staff on the ship are out to make your travel experience, a great one. Delighters, (latent requirements): These are features or services that go beyond the expectations of the customer. For the tennis fan who.
Earthing Calculation Software Free Download. Purchases a ticket to the U.S. Open, the basic requirements would at least be to see some players in competition, not get sunburnt, and to see some thrilling matches.
Imagine meeting these expectations, and then being able to have lunch or dinner with some players as part of the experience. This would be a delighter. General Example –Air Travel •Dissatisfiers requirements (absolutely required for satisfaction)–Safe arrival–Accurate booking–Baggage arrives with passenger •Satisfiers requirements (the better it is, the happier the customer)–Seat comfort–Quality of refreshments–Friendliness of staff–Baggage speed–On-Time arrival •Delighters(not expected; can increase satisfaction)–Free upgrades–Individual movies and games–Special staff attention/services–Computer plug-ins (power sources).