Shining Force Neo Iso
Shining Force Neo is another installment in the legendary Shining Force series, that began with the Genesis game 'Shining Force: Legacy of Great Intention'. The game was a huge hit in the non-Japanese speaking world and Shining Force Neo simply adds another chapter to the series. To those unfamiliar with Shining Force, you can try the updated version of the 1st game in the GBA - Shining Force: Rise of Dark dragon. It is the original game with story fixes and updated graphics. If you enjoy that one, try Shining Force II (Genesis) and then this game. Yes, the Shining Force series is not as good as Suikoden series, but still, these games are legendary and highly enjoyable strategy RPGs with little towns to explore and tons of character companions to find!:) The game is surprisingly good.
The graphics stay true to the 90s and early 2000's J-RPG game style (anime graphics) with great soundtrack and fun gameplay. Not a classic game, but still worth a try.:) I will add some screenshots, maybe that will get more gaers to try this little 'sleeper hit' out.:) Christian.
Capleton Reign Of Fire Zipping more. Players take the role of two characters in Shining Force EXA; Toma, a warrior who holds the power to wield the Shining Force, is destined to unite the divided world in which he lives; and Cyrille, a powerful sorceress who fights to create a.