Rf Circuit Design Reinhold Ludwig Ebookers
For upper-level Electrical Engineering introductory courses in RF Circuit Design and analog integratedcircuits. This practical and comprehensive book introduces RF circuit design fundamentals with an emphasis on design methodologies. • Provides MATLAB routines to carry out simple transmission line computations and allow the graphical display of the resulting impedance behaviors as part of the Smith Chart. • Allows students to implement these software tools on their own PC. • All m-files will be included on a bound in CD-ROM. • Presents RF Amplifier Designs, including small and large signal designs, narrow versus broad band, low noise, and many others. • Provides students with useful broad-based knowledge of common amplifier designs used in the industry.
• Discusses Matching Networks, such as T and P matching networks and single and double stub matching. It also includes Discrete and Microstrip Line matching techniques with computer simulations. • Presents Scattering parameterssuch as realistic listings of S-parameters for transistors and transmission line. • Highlights practical use of S-parameters in circuit design and performance evaluation.
• Features Smith Chart, including series and parallel connections of resistor, capacitor, and inductor networks. It also includes simulations in MATLAB to provide graphical display of circuit behavior and performance analysis.

• Introduces the Smith Chart as a design tool to monitor electric behavior of circuits. • Introduces the generic forms of Oscillators and Mixers, including negative resistance condition, fixed-frequency, and YIG-tuned designs.
• Explains the most common oscillator designs used in many RF systems. • Provides an overview of common filter types, including low, high, bandpass, Butterworth, and Chebyshev filters. • Provides design tools to enable students to develop a host of practically realizable filters. • Discusses the high-frequency behavior of common circuit components, including the behavior of resistors, capacitors, and inductors.

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• Helps students understand the difference of low versus high frequency responses. • Introduces the theory of distributed parameters through a discussion on Transmission Lines. This includes line parameters, sources and load terminations, and voltage and current waves. • Outlines the need of distributed circuit theory in today's high frequency circuits.
• Analyzes active/passive RF circuits through various network description models, especially the two-port network. This discussion also covers impedance, admittance, ABCD, h-parameter networks, and interrelations. • Includes a number of important pedagogical featuresIntersperses examples throughout each chapter, and includes self-written MATLAB routines and circuit simulations by a commercial RF software package. • Assists students by clarifying and explaining the theoretical developments. Graphic Artists Guild Handbook Pricing Ethical Guidelines 12th Edition. This straightforward volume takes a distributed, transmission line approach to RF circuit design, with a focus on methodology fundamentals and minimal discussion of theoretical concepts. The Second Edition introduces RF design tools such as the Smith Chart, dual port networks, S-parameters, and provides extensive coverage of RF filter design, matching networks, active and passive device modeling, narrow and broadband amplifiers, mixers, and oscillators. Approaches RF design from a circuit perspective, so readers need little or no background in electromagnetic fields.
Prominently features key RF concepts in sidebars throughout the text. Provides hands-on experience via accompanying MATLAB CD. For anyone interested in learning more about RF circuit design. Table of Contents. (NOTE: All chapters end with a Summary.) 1. Importance of Radiofrequency Design. Dimensions and Units.
Frequency Spectrum. RF Behavior of Passive Components. Chip Components and Circuit Board Considerations.
Transmission Line Analysis. Why Transmission Line Theory? Examples of Transmission Lines.
Equivalent Circuit Representation. Theoretical Foundation.
Circuit Parameters for a Parallel Plate Transmission Line. Summary of Different Line Configurations. General Transmission Line Equation. Microstrip Transmission Line.
Terminated Lossless Transmission Line. Special Termination Conditions.
Sourced and Loaded Transmission Line. The Smith Chart. From Reflection Coefficient to Load Impedance. Impedance Transformation. Admittance Transformation. Parallel and Series Connections.
Single- and Multiport Networks. Basic Definitions. Interconnecting Networks. Network Properties and Applications. Scattering Parameters. An Overview of RF Filter Design.
Basic Resonator and Filter Configurations. Special Filter Realizations.
Filter Implementation. Coupled Filter. Active RF Components.
Semiconductor Basics. Bipolar-Junction Transistor. RF Field Effect Transistors.
High Electron Mobility Transistors. Active RF Component Modeling. Diode Models. Transistor Models. Measurement of Active Devices. Scattering Parameter Device Characterization.
Matching and Biasing Networks. Impedance Matching Using Discrete Components.
Microstrip Line Matching Networks. Amplifier Classes of Operation and Biasing Networks. RF Transistor Amplifier Designs. Characteristics of Amplifiers. Amplifier Power Relations. Stability Considerations.
Constant Gain. Noise Figure Circles. Constant VSWR Circles.
Broadband, High-Power, and Multistage Amplifiers. Oscillators and Mixers. Basic Oscillator Model. High-Frequency Oscillator Configuration. Basic Characteristics of Mixers.
Useful Physical Quantities and Units. Skin Equation for a Cylindrical Conductor. Complex Numbers.
Basic Definition. Magnitude Computations. Circle Equation. Matrix Conversions. Physical Parameters of Semiconductors.
Long and Short Diode Models. Wilkinson Divider. Branch Line Coupler.
Lange Coupler. Noise Analysis. Basic Definitions.
Noisy Two-Port Networks. Noise Figure for Two-Port Network. Noise Figure for Cascaded Multiport Network. Introduction to Matlab.
Brief Example of Stability Evaluation. Simulation Software on Compact Disk. Product Details ISBN: 230 Binding: Hardcover Publication date: Publisher: PEARSON EDUCATION Accompanying Material: CD ROM Pages: 642 Height: 9.24 in. Width: 7.5 in. Thickness: 1.34 in. Grade Range: College/higher educa Number of Units: 1 Copyright Year: 2000 Series Volume: 1404-3F UPC Code: 232 Author: Reinhold Ludwig Author: Gene Bogdanov Author: Pavel Bretchko Subject: Radio frequency Subject: Engineering / Electrical Subject: RADIO FREQUENCIES Subject: Radio circuits Subject: Design Subject: Electric circuits Subject: Circuits.
This straightforward volume takes a distributed, transmission line approach to RF circuit design, with a focus on methodology fundamentals and minimal discussion of theoretical concepts. The Second Edition introduces RF design tools such as the Smith Chart, dual port networks, S-parameters, and provides extensive coverage of RF filter design, matching networks, active and passive device modeling, narrow and broadband amplifiers, mixers, and oscillators. Approaches RF design from a circuit perspective, so readers need little or no background in electromagnetic fields. Prominently features key RF concepts in sidebars throughout the text.
For anyone interested in learning more about RF circuit design.