Installer Vim Sous Ubuntu Phone
Jul 11, 2017 Installer Vim Sous Ubuntu Forums. Linux — Wikip. Modern Combat 5 Crack Apk Data. Cependant, Linus Torvalds cr. Le principal argument des. Installer Vim Sous Ubuntu Software. With the release of all Ubuntu 14.04 flavors on April 17 2014 including Ubuntu for Phone and Tablet products, Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, had also released. Downloading Vim Vim is available for many different systems and there are several versions.
Yum install vim-X11 vim-common vim-enhanced vim-minimal Once done you can enjoy the full benefits of a full featured and very powerful text editor. Configuration vim is a highly configurable editor, and it is best to configure vim to your liking as vim by default has all the nice features turned off. It will read the file.vimrc in your home directory before it starts (~/.vimrc)..vimrc file set history=700 ' Sets how many lines of history VIM has to remember set nocampatible colo delek syntax on set showmode set autoindent set smartindent set backspace=eol,start,indent set expandtab set tabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set ruler set number set ignorecase set smartcase set hlsearch set backup set backupdir=~/vim/tmp/ set nowrap set laststatus=2 set cmdheight=2.