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New Version HSC Chemistry version 9 - full details in preparation HSC 9 is based on the same Microsoft.NET environment as HSC 8. However, HSC 9 contains many new features, new modules, and several improvements to the old modules. These new features will be released gradually within the HSC 9 maintenance releases that become available with an HSC 9 subscription.
FactSage representatives. Around the world. Select a country or click on. Other Countries to see our. Clients around the world. Manas Paliwal. IIT Gandhinagar. Other countries. Nubia Cardona Valencia. Phase Diagrams & Documentation Download. (Revised October 2015). Using the FactSage Download Service - CRCT you can download and install the Full FactSage 7.0 Package (2015) of software, databases and documentation. With the package you can upgrade/refresh FactSage 7.0 that is already installed on the computer or you can install a completely new.
HSC Subscription The new HSC 9 license also contains a one-year subscription, which means that the customer will also receive all the minor and major HSC updates that are published within one year of the purchase. A valid subscription gives you the most up-to-date version of the HSC Chemistry modules. HSC license is perpetual, but valid subscription is needed to get the new updates. HSC 9 is based on the same Microsoft.NET environment as HSC 8.
However, HSC 9 contains many new features, new modules, and several improvements to the old modules. These new features will be released gradually within the HSC 9 maintenance releases that become available with an HSC 9 sub New HSC License Types HSC 8 licenses were made for local device installations like laptops and workstations. The new HSC 9 will have more licensing options: HSC 9 – Basic License is good for personal laptops and workstations and other local Machines. HSC 9 - Floating License is good for personal laptops and workstations and other local machines, if only very few out of many users are using HSC simultaneously. Installation is made on the local devices. HSC 9 - Server License gives the flexibility of using HSC via remote connection by several end users.
HSC updates are also easy to carry out, because installations are carried out on one server. However, a lot of calculation capacity and fast network access are needed if several end users are using HSC on the same server. The Server License will be released in Q1/2016. HSC 9 - Virtual Device License gives the flexibility of running HSC on a virtual device. This, for example, makes it possible to run HSC on an Apple machine if Boot Camp multi boot utility is not available. The Virtual Device License will be released in Q1/2016.
HSC version 9.0 contains 24 calculation modules: 1. Sim – Process simulation 2. LCA Evaluation 3.
Mass Balance 4. Reaction Equations 5. Heat and Material Balances 6. Heat Loss Calculator 7. Equilibrium Calculations 8. Exergy Balance 9.
Eh-pH Diagrams – Pourbaix 10. H, S, Cp and Ellingham Diagrams 11. Tpp Diagrams – Stability diagrams 12. Lpp Diagrams – Stability diagrams 13. Water – Steam tables, etc. H, S, Cp Estimates 15. Benson Estimation 16.
Species Converter 17. Periodic Chart – Elements 18. Measure Units 19. HSC AddIn Functions 20. Geo – Mineralogical calculations 22. Map – GPS material stock (HSC7) 23.
Fit – Numerical Data fit (HSC7) 24. Data – Statistical analysis (HSC7) HSC also contains: 1.
H, S and Cp Thermochemical Database with more than 28 000 species 2. Water Steam/Fluid Database 3. Heat Conduction Database 4. Heat Convection Database 5.
Surface Radiation Database 6. Gas Radiation Calculator 7. Particle Radiation Calculator 8. Elements Database 9. Measure Units Database 10.
Minerals Database with 13 329 minerals 11. Aqueous Solution Density Database 12. The Pitzer parameter database.
• • Abstract The FactSage® package consists of a series of information, database and calculation modules that enable one to access pure substances and solution databases and perform thermochemical equilibrium calculations. FactSage was originally founded by process pyrometallurgists and has since expanded its applications to include hydrometallurgy, electrometallurgy, corrosion, glass technology, combustion, ceramics, geology, environmental studies, etc. With the various modules one can perform a wide variety of thermochemical calculations and generate tables and graphs of complex chemical equilibria and phase diagrams for multicomponent systems. My Disney Kitchen Pc Cracker.
This paper presents examples of recent and current developments in FactSage in areas of particular interest to Dr. David Robertson. These include both ferrous and non-ferrous processing, as well as solidification and refining simulation. The paper also includes reference to the Internet Fact-Web education package.