English Grammar Worksheets For Class 10 Cbse Sa2

Q1( CBSE 2010): Complete the headlines by choosing the correct answer from the options given below. (i) Maharashtra government to procure 2,000 bulletproof jackets Maharashtra government _____________ around 2,000 bullet proof jackets as part of its efforts to modernize police force in the backdrop of 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks. (a) would procure (b) procured (c) will procure (d) must procure (ii) Anand receives Chess Oscar for the sixth time Indian Grand Master Vishwanathan Anand _____________ his sixth Chess Oscar and third in a row before the start of the President Cup in Baku, Azerbaijan. (a) will receive (b) has received (c) received (d) would have received (iii) President pushes for woman judge in Supreme Court The absence of woman judge in the Supreme Court, having a sanctioned strength of 30 judges, may end soon. President Pratibha Patil _____________ strongly in favour of the appointment of woman judge to the apex court.

English Grammar Worksheets For Class 10 Cbse Sa2

(a) argued (b) will argue (c) argue (d) has argued (iv) Aussie law coming to clean up rot in education system Australia _____________ the process of drafting a law to clean up a system in which dubious institutions and immigration agents take foreign students for a ride. (a) has begun (b) begun (c) is beginning (d) began Answers: (i) (c) will procure (ii) (c) received [Action finished in past, hence Simple Past] (iii) (d) has argued [Present Perfect is used to express a past action the result of which still continues.] (iv) (a) has begun Q2 ( CBSE 2011): Complete the following news reports accompanying the headlines given below: (a) Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman’s car stolen Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman’s car, which had a radio tag attached to it, ____________ from outside his driver’s house on Monday.

CBSE Board Exam Sample Papers (SA2) Class IX - English Lang.

English Grammar Worksheets For Class 10 Cbse Sa2

(b) Three Hizbul Militants killed According to a report, three Hizbul militants _____________ in an encounter with the police on Monday. (c) DTC hikes bus fares The Delhi cabinet has approved the proposal of DTC to revise its fares. The revised fare __________________ with effect from the next week. (d) Delhi Metro conducts trial run to Noida Delhi Metro crossed the national capital border on Monday. The trial run __________on Sunday. Diablo 2 Lord Destruction V1 13c Direct Play Latest Patch. Answer: (a) was stolen (b) were killed (c) is effective/will be effective (d) starts Q3( CBSE 2010):Complete the report by choosing the correct answer from the options given below.

(i) India to get normal monsoon this year: Met office The meteorological department has declared that India ______________________ normal rainfall from South-west monsoon this year. (a) will have got (b) will be getting (c) had been getting (d) had got (ii) Justice SH Kapadia - appointed new CJI. The President ______________________ Justice Sarosh Homi Kapadia, judge of the Supreme Court, to be the Chief Justice of India. (a) will be pleased to appoint (b) has been pleased to appoint (c) is being pleased to appoint (d) is pleased to appoint (iii) NID students design beauty pageant crowns. Crowns for the three titles of Femina Miss India for the current year ______________________ by the students of National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad. (a) has been designed (b) was designed (c) have been designed (d) is being designed (iv) Nation pays tribute to Mahatma.

During the remembrance function held at Rajghat rich tributes ______________________ to Mahatma Gandhi on his 62nd death anniversary. (a) are paid (b) were paid (c) is being paid (d) was being paid (v) Plane crash in Pakistan.A Pakistan passenger plane carrying 43 people ___________ in the mountain of northern Pakistan.

(a) has crashed (b) crashed (c) had crashed (d) is crashing Answer: (i) (b) will be getting (ii) (d) is pleased to appoint (iii) (c) have been designed (iv) (b) were paid (v) (b) crashed.

CBSE Assignment for Class X English -Grammar Questions. Based on CBSE and CCE guidelines. The students should read these basic concepts to gain perfection which will help him to get more marks in CBSE examination. SECTION C: GRAMMAR TYPE: 1 Test type will include gap filling to test the knowledge in the following areas: i) Nonfinites ii) determiners iii) connectors iv) modals v) prepositions vi) subjectverbconcord INSTRUCTIONS: In the following passages, choose the most appropriate option from the ones given below to complete the passage. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. Do not copy the whole passage.

Gravitation is the force (a) ______ holds us all down (b) ____________ the surface of the earth. Anything (c) ________ upwards falls back to the also everything else in the universe. Everything in this universe attracts (e) _______ other body to (f) ____________ a.

I) Whom ii) that iii) whose iii) who b. I) into ii) on iii) to iv) in c.

I) thrown ii) throwing iii) to throw iv) threw d. I) because ii) and iii) so iv) but e. I) each ii) every iii) either iv) neither f) i) themselves ii) herself iii)itself iv) himself 2. Mark Twain was the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens (a) _______ was one of (b) ______________ greatest fiction writers of America.

He grew up in a small town (c) ___________ the bank of the Mississippi River. (d) ___________ a small boy he moved to Hannibal on the banks of the river (e) ___________ he experienced (f) ___________ excitement of river travel. I) Which ii) who iii) that iv) he b. I) an ii) a iii) the iv) his c. I) on ii) in iii) at iv) upon d. I) since ii) from e.

I) when ii) where iii) whenever iv) whence f. I) a ii) his iii) an iv) the 3. Lecture as a method of teaching is as old as civiliasation. It is (a) ________ commonly practised and very widely used. In (b) ____________ countries, (c) _________ traditional and almost the only technique (d) __________ was the formal lecture.

The effective use of lecture requires skilful preparation (e) __________ is incomplete (f) __________ followed by questions and answers. I) more ii) much iii) most iv) many b. I) a ii) the iii) an iv) many c. I) the ii) a iii) every iv) an d. I) employ ii) employs iii) employed iv) employing e.

I) who ii) which iii) it iv) whom f. I) unless ii) if iii) fill iv) since 4. The human body is like a machine containing (a) ____________ systems (b) ______ out the processes (c)____________ life. Each system is (d) ___________ up of organs (e) ___________ consist of _______ cells and tissues.

I) little ii) several iii) much iv) more b. I) to carry ii) carry iii) carries iv) carried c. I) for ii) in iii) of iv) with d. I) makes ii) making iii) make iv) made e. I) that ii) who iii) whose iv) those f) i) specialise ii) specialised iii) specialising iv) specialises Please refer to attached file for CBSE Class 10 English - Grammar Questions.