Download Free Save Files Of Gta Vice City

Download Free Save Files Of Gta Vice City

Oct 17, 2013 Gta Vice City Download 100% Save Game. Grand Theft Auto Vice City MOD VERSION with 100% Save Game. GTA Vice City 100% save.

__________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to the Vice City Downloads Database, volume deux! In this topic you'll find save game files that are available to you, that have completed up to a certain point/task in the game. Which will prove very beneficial for those of you who wish to play a certain mission far into the game that you haven't yet accessed, and don't have the time to access. This will also be useful if you are struggling to complete a mission/task, and want to go straight into the game having already completed the mission/task you are having problems with. This topic is also complete with an array of Code Tools, all of which are guaranteed to substantially help you get past tricky situations the game throws at you.

Download Free Save Files Of Gta Vice City

Saved Games Download & Installation Instructions: • All saves and code tools are hosted unzipped. • For saves hosted via Samutz's Save N Play site, just click the link. A window will open and it will show 8 save files-- don't worry each is the same. Click whichever one you want to use- and save it to your game save directory-- usually 'My Documents GTA Vice City User Files '. If you already have a file with that name - you will be notified by a warning if you do - you can do one of two things.

You can delete the old file if you don't want your old saved game any more, or you can rename the downloaded file. Simply change the 'X' in the file name 'GTAVCsfX.b' to a different numeral between 1 and 8. This corresponds to each game slot. • Once you've placed the downloaded file correctly into your saved game folder, you're ready. Fire up Vice City, and choose the game from the 'load game' menu. If, for example, the game you downloaded was 'GTAVCsf7.b', it would be in the 7th slot. • If you want to look for a specific save file or Code Tool, and you are finding this table a little complicated/tedious to locate it, simply press Ctrl and F together, and type in the name of the save file/code tool you are looking for.

Description Author Download Link Additional Information 44% completed game (everything that can be completed at the beginning of the game, without any missions completed) (List of everything completed) Same as above but for the STEAM version of the game (not the CD version) Note - the link is for slot one on your game. To put this save in another slot rename it so the number near the end of the file name corresponds to the slot you want to put it in. Example - to put the save in slot 8 rename GTAVCsf1.b you just downloaded to GTAVCsf8.b before putting this file in your save game folder 100% Completed Game • Has encountered Trial by Dirt Glitch, both Test Track and Trial by Dirt times show the same in stats, which is incorrect.

• BP/FP/EP/DP Admiral is stored at Vercetti Estate • Black Voodoo stored at Vercetti Estate Note: All the following saves by Spuds725 were completed utilizing Demarest's code tools. Please read the note at the bottom of this post before downloading. Vice City Mission Save Files Below are links to all the mission's in Vice City. No cheats or trainers where used in the creation of these save files.

These are only for PC. Please note that the mission name on the left indicates the next mission. Not the last mission. If you have any questions feel free to. Thanks to for the 100% save file. Ken Rosenberg The Party Back Alley Brawl Jury Fury Riot Juan Garcia Cortez Treacherous Swine Mall Shootout Guardian Angels Ricardo Diaz The Chase Phnom Penh '86 The Fastest Boat Supply & Demand Juan Garcia Cortez Sir, Yes Sir! Awesome work, Unlimited!

And thanks to Flesh-n-Bone for the ever-so useful 100% save file as well. A table has been added to the first post, makes it look more. Complete now.

You'll notice that there is a Additional info. This is for anything each saved game may contain, that may not be visible upon download (example being containing special cars in garages, having certain properties purchased etc.). Let me know if your saved game files have any additional information Unlimited and Flesh-n-Bone. There are still a number of missions not completed here. Thanks flicko, the save game is the same one as the one I'm referring to in my sig. There's one thing I can't find acceptable with it and that's the mission attempts stat, I have so many attempts that I just find it unbelievable, mainly because of the annoying rifle range.

Other than that my save has encountered the Trial by Dirt glitch and both this and Test Track have the same record. My Vercetti Estate garage contains the Bulletproof Admiral from Guardian Angel and the black unique Voodoo from Two Bit Hit in addition. The former can be useful for police chases and passing by enemy territories or Fort Baxter without the cop clothes. QUOTE (flicko @ Feb 16 2009, 10:52) Awesome work, Unlimited! And thanks to Flesh-n-Bone for the ever-so useful 100% save file as well. There are still a number of missions not completed here.

And those include- -Pole Position strip club ---Stripshow (Spend $300 on, or 5 minutes with the stripper in the back room) Yes. Thanks to FnB for the 100% save file. And the Pole Position strip club has been completed in my saves. I just never bothered to make a download link for it as it's not really a playable mission.

I have some of Dem's Code Tools on my machine. Looks like you've got most of the ones I have already, but I do have Brass City and Fastbond if you're interested.

I'll upload them shortly. I'll have a look for Ancestral Recall. I did have it at one stage.

[EDIT] Best to transfer them to your Freewebs ASAP Spuds, because these only have a ten download limit and expire after 90 days anyway. All the best with hosting them, I recall my site getting shut down because of copyright violations when I did the same thing a few years ago. QUOTE (Unlimited @ Feb 17 2009, 13:29) All the saves are hosted on Samutz's site, so there shouldn't be a problem with them getting removed due to copyright violations. You don't know how handy Brass City would have came in while making these. I spent 3 hours flying around to all the assest's in a Heli trying to collect the required ammount of cash. Did you not have a look at the?

Would have more than likely saved you a heap of time. Also, I think the key to remembering when you first completed the Pole Position strip club protection ring asset is to try and remember which protection ring asset you actually completed first, and then remembering the order after that of which protection ring assets you completed. You can't complete them until you complete the mission Shakedown, so that narrows your options down a bit. Also, I assume that the order you have provided your save files is the order you completed each mission?

If that is the case then I can add that in the 'aditional info.' Section regarding what else has been completed in terms of protection ring assets. If you can't remember when you completed the asset, then perhaps somebody could download the save games (from and after the save game which completed the mission Shakedown last) and then check at what point the Pole Position protection ring asset has been completed? And cheers Justin. Very appreciated.

I'll wait 'til Spuds re-hosts the saves before adding them into the table. The order in which the saves are shown above is the order the mission's are completed in. Like I said I really have no clue where I about's I purchased the PP and completed the mission for it.

The soonest I'll be able to check will be tomorrow night. Also, what is the point of having saves for Firefighter, Paramedic, and such? Those can be triggered anytime. Why is a special save required for them? If you want I can continue with the saves and fofill your desired save's list but I really see no point in it. QUOTE (Unlimited @ Feb 17 2009, 17:02) Also, what is the point of having saves for Firefighter, Paramedic, and such? Those can be triggered anytime.

Why is a special save required for them? If you want I can continue with the saves and fofill your desired save's list but I really see no point in it. Having these particular save games could be used for members who struggle with the missions and simply cannot complete them. It can also be used for the. Lazier members to download if they cannot be bothered with completing Emergency side missions. The same can be said for all other relevant side missions and tasks.

Adele Skyfall Sheet Music Pdf Free. Put it this way; a saved game with all emergency missions completed will be more useful than a saved game that has The Party as the last mission passed. It's entirely up to you if you decide to produce these saves or not, but if you did, I would assume that this would be on your game that has completed all of your above download links?

Anybody else is welcome to do this, of course. I'll go ahead and add the additional info.

In when I get a chance. [EDIT], Thank God that's over! Everything updated in regards to the additional info. I made filling the table out harder on myself because I muddled up the order of the saved games on the first post compared to Unlimited's post.

QUOTE (Justin @ Feb 16 2009, 23:20) Best to transfer them to your Freewebs ASAP Spuds, because these only have a ten download limit and expire after 90 days anyway. All the best with hosting them, I recall my site getting shut down because of copyright violations when I did the same thing a few years ago. Rehosted-- Note: this is the readme file-- very important regarding the 2 brasscity scm files. QUOTE If you use brasscity1st.scm, then you must use brasscity2nd.scm when you play Shakedown.

Brasscity2nd.scm is JUST like the original game except that during Shakedown, it won't make properties available because they already will be from brasscity1st.scm. Failure to do this could lead to any number of unpredictables and I take no responsibility for what happens to your game progress as a result of NOT following these instructions. Again, you only need to use brasscity2nd.scm IF you've used brasscity1st.scm AND you're about to play Shakedown. This sounds as if you can use the 1st either before or after shakedown, but the 2nd must be used when you do shaekdown. Here are some saves I made with Demarest's code tools--- shatterstorm (hidden package collector), Timevault (mission passer). These are all side stuff--- I concentrated on the time consuming stuff.

So you can start a game without having to do all that stuff. I verified each thing I did added to the game%. No regular missions done. You still have a pink marker at the hotel. Save 1 Nothing done except all 100 hidden packages Save 2 Save 1 + Paramedic Save 3 Save 2 + Taxi Save 4 Save 3 + Firefighter (also has 3 purchased safe houses- 2 used to store a PCJ for west island access (via film studio) so I could get a fire truck for firefighter) Skumole Shack, El Swanko Casa, Ocean Heights //edit// All my saves expire next month??

Did you unlimited contact Samutz about permanently hosting his saves (which expire in 2038). QUOTE (Spuds725 @ Feb 21 2009, 18:39) All my saves expire next month?? Did you unlimited contact Samutz about permanently hosting his saves (which expire in 2038) Nice work Spuds. I sent a PM off to Samutz right after I uploaded all the save files. I tracked the message and he read it, but I never got a reply back or anything so I don't know if he did it or not. If they expire, I'll just throw them up on my site. I've completed a few more mission's.

Sunshine Auto's-Border Run- -Capital Cruise- -Ocean Drive- -Terminal Velocity- -Tour!- -V.C. Endurance- Final Mission's -Cap The Collector- -Keep Your Friends Close. Thanks for the info, mate. Yeah, would be a good idea to add Spuds useful save files to the PM, since it will prevent a lot of hassle occuring where he would constantly be having to update the files.

I'll get right on sorting everything out and getting the table up-to-date. Don't count on it being soon since it's nearly half past one in the morning here, and I've got to be up early for work in the morning. Flesh-n-Bone, sounds sweet, let me know if you get anything sorted. [EDIT] Added all Pole Position Club completed protection ring asset info in required fields, still got to add Unlimited's save files.

[EDIT x2] Right, I've added the file which has completed the Vice Street racer race 5: VC Endurance, since I assume that has completed all other Vice Street races as well. Is this correct? If it is, then I don't see a need to add the other Vice Street racer save files into the table, although they are about as useful as various other save files. If I am going to add them into the table, I'd like to know the order they were completed. I've also upgraded the save files for the game-ending missions.