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The web is full of helpful sales content but if you're busy closing deals, you probably don't have time to search for it all. That's why we've pulled together some of our top sales ebooks covering performance, business growth, tips for followup calls, and more. These ebooks are helpful, free and will avoid that next Google search. Sales Fails: 11 Mistakes to Avoid if You Want to Close a Deal There's a lot of strategies and tips out there on what to do in sales to make sure you close the deal, but sometimes it’s also helpful to know what not to do when growing your business. 100 Sales Tips If you’re looking for some new tips and tricks to grow your business, we’ve got you covered. Download this free e-book today to find out which sales tips might benefit your business. Win Every Deal, From Lead to Cash This e-book provides businesses with 4 steps to streamline the sales journey from click to close using CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) so your deal don't collapse right when they're near the finish line.
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5 Secrets of the Most Productive Salespeople Read this e-book to learn the secrets of the world’s most productive salespeople, including: • Proven tips to spend less time emailing and scheduling • Steps to create a unique plan and process for the way you sell • How sales reps can automate repetitive tasks and get back to the field 5. Secrets to Small Business Success You probably know that Salesforce has a wealth of technology to help you move deals through the pipelikne. But sometimes it can be difficult to know exactly which solutions are right for you and your organization. This e-book will show you how eight different customers are using Salesforce to sell smarter and drive growth.
Ubiquitous computing is coming of age. In the few short years of the lifetime of this conference, we have seen major changes in our emerging research community.
When the conference started in 1999, as Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing, the field was still in its formative stage. In 2002, we see the Ubicomp conference (the name was shortened last year) emerging as an established player attracting research submissions of very high quality from all over the world. Virtually all major research centers and universities now have research programs broadly in the field of ubiquitous computing. Whether we choose to call it ubiquitous, pervasive, invisible, disappearing, embodied, or some other variant of computing, it is clear that Mark Weiser’s original vision has only become more and more relevant since the term was coined over 10 years ago. But, most important in our context, the interest in the field can be gauged from the rising number of full paper submissions to the conference: from about 70 in both 1999 and 2000, to 90 in 2001, to this year's record breaking 136! Counting technical notes, workshops, poster and video submissions, there were over 250 original works submitted to this year’s conference. This is an impressive effort by the research community, and we are grateful to everyone who took time to submit their work – without this, the conference would simply not exist.