Download All Files Ftp Directory Vb Net Gridview

I am working on win form. My task is display the file names from a folder onto gridview control. When user clicks process button in my UI, all the file names present in gridview, the corresponding file has to be loaded onto memory stream buffer one after another and append the titles to the content of.
If you have the PDF file on your local machine or stored on a server you can add the path to the button's click event or in the HyperLink's NavigateUrl. You can do something as simple as the following assuming you have acrobat installed. Response.Redirect('~/somePDFFile.pdf'); or using System.Net; string pdfPath = Server.MapPath( '~/SomePDFFile.pdf'); WebClient client = new WebClient(); Byte[] buffer = client.DownloadData(pdfPath); Response.ContentType = 'application/pdf'; Response.AddHeader( 'content-length', buffer.Length.ToString()); Response.BinaryWrite(buffer). Thanks so much friend! Your codes really helped me, but not for my current prblm, i used it in a different application.
The PDFs working for my web page which has a GridView in it. What i did is: I stored all the PDF files in a hard drive and then took a copy and paste it the 'C: Documents and Settings mhelaman My Documents Visual Studio 2008 Projects MoIFacSurvey' which is the folder which contains all the pages of my project.
Problem was, if i stroed the PDFs in my Solution Explorer, then the website was getting loaded, now when i put them there in the Visual Studio 2008 folder, Will it again make my website loaded, or it is fine??? Thats my question, hope you can answer. Exactly Ispence! That was what i was aksing. But good that the answer is NO. Thanks for you support.
Dear, I got another problem. I got a TreeView in my web page, and beside i've put a GridView, the TreeView contains Countries and Provinces (ChildNode), what i want is that by clicking any provinces (ChildNode) of the tree View, I want the GridView to show the selected Node's Details. I mean, there should be a GridView by default, containing one of the TreeView Node's data, and then by clicking on any of the other nodes, the GridView should change the data accordingly, Is it something like i should define SQL query for each Node? If yes, shall i write the codes under 'TreeView1.SelectedNodeChanged'? if I try this, then i am not able to define a particular node. Response.ContentType = 'application/pdf'; Response.AppendHeader('Content-Disposition','attachment; filename=testpdf.pdf'); Response.TransmitFile( Server.MapPath('~/testpdf.pdf') ); Response.End(); Note: If you installed pdf plugin to your browser, it will automatically displayed. The above code will display save dialog to save pdf even if you have a browser with pdf plugin installed.
So that the user can download directly instead of displaying it in browser and then saving. Best of luck rafemuhammed MCA. Easy Weather Software Download For Mac more.