Bosch Kts 301 Software Testing

I have managed to acquire a Bosch KTS 300 hammer diagnostic tool. Bosch KTS 300 / 301 ( HAMMER ) User Name. The software module is 9288/5 and it is version 4.0. Install Debian On Windows 8 more. Mar 10, 2010 PETROJECT: BOSCH KTS 570 SOFTWARE INSTALL theredshiftnz. Bosch KTS 340 Scan Tool Demo - Duration. Test new features; Loading.

The new Bosch SMT 300 Smoke Tester is a full-featured device that allows the shop to perform a wide variety of vehicle leak testing. Using OEM approved technology, EVAP leak testing is made quick, simple and accurate. The UltraTrace UV® smoke solution used to generate smoke leaves a UV light-traceable mark that pinpoints the source of the vehicle leak. The tester is a mulit-functional device that can be used not only for EVAP testing but also for testing of oil leaks, exhaust leaks, wind leaks, EGR leaks, and many more.
A time saving device when diagnosing problematic issues, the easy to use SMT 300 features a graduated smoke control valve and flow meter and can be used with shop air or inert gases. The smoke tester is sold with a sturdy case, for portability and safe storage when not in use. This is an outstanding package value as far as smoke tester kits go.
There is nothing currently on the market that matches the SMT 300 on portability, accessories management, and smoke generation. Kit Includes: • The SMT 300 is the only Smoke Machine Tester that includes a storage case for all the accessories that are included. • The (2) bottles of UltraTrace UV® smoke solution provided with the kit allows you to perform (500) standard, 5 minute test cycles. • The dual-functioning bright and/or UV flashlight, along with the UV glasses, allows you to quickly pinpoint hard-to-find leaks. The UV trace left by the smoke is easily observed and verifies the problem leak. SKU: F5E Features • Compact (13' x 12' x 13' tall) • Lightweight (19 lbs) • Operates off vehicle (12V) battery • Full featured machine with graduated smoke flow control valve, air flow meter, and pressure decay gauge • Full complement of accessories with storage case • Multi-purpose tester designed for leak detection in any low pressure closed system. Usable to pinpoint wind and water leaks of passenger and trunk areas.
• OEM approved smoke test technology • Designed for safe use in any vehicle. Will not damage vehicle components or void and factory warranties • Meets SAE standard for safe EVAP testing (20 and 20) • Uses UltraTrace UV速 dye solution to create Diagnostic Smoke速. The only OEM approved solution. • Dye deposit is UV light-traceable (light included w/kit).