Andreas Vollenweider White Winds Rar Files

Dear Internet Archive Supporter, I ask only once a year. White Winds Item Preview. By Andreas Vollenweider.

's 1985 effort, subtitled 'Seeker's Journey,' features the composer's modified electric harp in pieces that are much more experimental than what would later emerge as the prevailing sound of new age. A brief introduction features the lapping of a boat in a slip, but it soon fades into the angular forays of 'Hall of the Stairs,' which itself drifts into the more conventional ethno-jazz of 'Hall of the Mosaics (Meeting You).' 's harp is joined by full percussion and a bank of synthesizers for 'The Glass Hall (Choose the Crystal),' breaking the song down to showcase the unique sound of his instrument. Even when it's accessing the soothing tones of new age, seems to lie closer to contemporary jazz instrumentalism, as the repeated phrasing of these songs suggests.
Even gets lightly funky on the awesomely named 'Flight Feet & Root Hands.' With his early-'80s work, the Swiss performer was establishing himself as a leader of the burgeoning new age genre. Is a good example of his sound, which mixed accessibility with uniqueness and some true musical exploration.
Search This Site: All MP3's are up for a limited time and are for sampling purposes only. If you wish to download any MP3 that you don't own already on CD, Cassette Tape, Vinyl Record, Graphaphone, Gramaphone, Phonographic cylinder, SACD, DAT, MiniDisc or even if you remember the tune and try to sing it between two cups and a length of string (illegal), you must (legally) delete all tracks after 24 hours. Music posted here is posted out of love, not with the intention for profit or to violate copyright. If you are the creator (or copyright owner) of a song, excerpt, essay, graphic or photo posted on this blog, please contact me if you want to comment on the selection or wish to have it removed. I will act swiftly. PASSWORD for ALL files: MP3@3pm For ALL PROBLEMS, please visit and you will surely find the answer. Still detouring from the Bob Marley I promised.
That is because I also promised to post the complete 'Music of Islam' series and yet I only ever got as far as Volume 6! So here it is. Volume Seven. Do I explain the music.
Dare I attempt to? No, not really.:) Just let me remind you of the title of this volume and either you can google search it or live on the edge and just listen to it. Andalusian Music Tetouan, Morocco. Might not be what you think. I know it says islam in the title but try to look beyond your blinkered stereotypes that probably involve the concept of arabs=terrorists=hate You would be wrong. This is music.
Hate can't exist in music. GG Allin The Sex Pistols. I stand corrected. Anyway just fucking try this stuff. LINKS: ================ ================ ================ ================ Tags:::::: By hitmewithit. (10) Monday, December 26, 2005.
A slight detour. This needs no introduction or explanation gladly. If you haven't joined the masses and read this book yet, try it. Nothing to lose and everything to gain haven't you. I will surprise you one day by actually uploading the albums I tell you I will be uploading. Not today though! This is a 14CD UNABRIDGED edition and the quality is clear and great.
NOTE - You can use download managers with these links! LINKS: ================ ================ ================ ================ ================ ================ ================ ================ ================ ================ ================ ================ ================ ================ ================ PLEASE TRY THE ABOVE LINKS AS THEY ARE SUPPORTED BY DOWNLOAD MANAGERS AND ARE FASTER AND BETTER HOSTS! HERE ARE NEW LINKS FOR YOU, FRESH IN FEB' 2006 ALL AT RAPIDSHARE. ================ ================ ================ ================ ================ ================ ================ ================ ================ ================ ================ ================ ================ ================ NOW GO LISTEN AND BE CONFUSED! Tags:::::: By hitmewithit. (16) Sunday, December 25, 2005. Just to add to the Christmas confusion, here is the album by the latest fad band.
I tend to think they are quite a bit more than that personally. They write a good tune. They play 'real' instruments.
They make you smile and the acoustic and sometimes homely atmosphere is a welcome change from so much digital bla bla bollocks. And I don't just mean the obvious bollocks alaa crazy frog bollocks. I mean most music I hear when I switch a radio on. It is all around us. It is everywhere and it smells like shit. So welcome in the fresh and earthy sound of this band won't you.
Strangely named Nizlopi(I must find out what that means!) and this album which they self released in 2004.I suspect they will reap the reward in 2006 a little more maybe. I will say this just the once. Listen to it. LINK: ================ ================ I said 'Merry christmas' so fuck that.
I really do love this time of year. Tags:::::: By hitmewithit. I know I always say I will post this next and that but hey! It is christmas.!
(I love christmas just for the way it can be used as an excuse for just about anything 'Well it is christmas you know' or 'come on, seeing as it's christmas', etc etc. When really I think christmas is a fucking joke. A way of getting loads of dishonest cash from people via their kids.
Advertising fucks me off all through the year but the aggression with which these fucking large corporations are 'allowed' to market shite - directly at kids, during kids TV shows and even having kids cartoons that are essentially one big ad for whatever cartoon character they are selling in the shops at the time, in the lead up to christmas is the worst display of western consumerist greed I have witnessed. It can only get worse too. A daunting thought: Our kids will grow up to be selfish, greedy bastards. All we can do is try to teach them that that isn't right. Who ever listened to their stuffy old in the past and trying to tell kids of today what the world used to be or should be like.
Everybody knows right kids? Parents haven't got a clue about life!
There is no hope. Todays download is Nizlopi - JCB [video] I heard this song and saw the cutesy video and just had to upload it. Whatever you think of it, I love it.for now at least.
The JCB song is well written and really reminds you of innocent childhood.(not the childhoods they have these days.blabla) Download and enjoy. I wanted to upload this as I found the video and a lot of people were asking me if I had it. Well I do now.
And so do you. LINK: ================ ================ Album next! Oh and merry christmas. Tags:::::: By hitmewithit.
(0) Monday, December 19, 2005. Ok it's late, I can't sleep for pain. I am not feeling good. I really cannot be arsed to type anything. I give you this, from the BBC: Unimaginable Thursday 8 December 2005 14:15-15:00 (Radio 4 FM) An unusual and highly personal look at a murder that shocked the world.
When John Lennon was shot outside his New York apartment the world's press were desperate for interviews in order to feed the world's insatiable demand for anything related to the dead singer. This presented Ray Connolly with something of a dilemma. The very day Lennon was murdered, Connolly was scheduled to fly out to interview him. This would have been Lennon's first interview with a British journalist for something like 10 years.
Although a journalist, Connolly was also Lennon's friend and this is why Lennon had agreed to be interviewed after such a long silence. It would have provided Connolly with a major coup. Instead he finds himself besieged by his fellow journalists. The play focuses on Connolly's reaction to the singers death and the conflict within his own mind between the Lennon's public image and his private lifestyle. He could clearly sense the creation of the many myths and legends that have subsequently come to surround the former Beatle. Ray Connolly.
Robert Glenister Plum. Jenny Funnell Louise. Clare Corbett Dominic. Nicholas Carter Keiron. Thomas Helm Sociologist. Ian Masters Musicologist.
Alan Leith US DJ. Tim Flavin Taxi driver. Richard Tate Reporter. Sidney Sloane Director Martin Jenkins.
============= The play is pretty good. Gives you a little more insight. Unfortunately I find that with most BBC radio plays I get irritated by the wooden, reading-from-a-script style that these BBC actors all have! That said, if you are a fan, or just interested t o hear what one guy went through on the day Lennon died, a guy that knew him, then get this.
NOTE: This is the last of the Lennon documentaries from me. Next up will be the start of a series of Bob Marley bootlegs and rare recordings. LINK: NEW LINK AS OF FEB' 2006! ================ Tags:::::: By hitmewithit. (1) Saturday, December 17, 2005. Before I start on the music today I must share this link with you.
I have long stopped looking online for anything mildly amusing or supposedly 'funny'. 'comedy' sucks these days don't you think? Then I somehow found this site.The thing that makes it even funnier is the fact that it is a truly serious site! The author/artist is not having a joke! It is not a parody!! I still can't accept that as the truth but there you have it.
Now go and look! Now get serious for a minute. As much as I just love to get passionately critical of most of the music I put up here I am afraid that this time I haven't much to get pissed off about. The only bad thing about this concert is the fact that sadly, John Lennon isn't playing in it. Erm, let me correct that a minute.
There are one or two artists that really should have been left outside. First of these is the horrendous 'sugababes' and the crucifixion of both of the Lennon songs they chose to do. You will agree when you hear it.
The next-worst or possibly the absolute worst, are 'Badly Drawn Boy' who are almost unbelievable in their lack of ability to even meander their way through a couple of tracks. I swear, without joking, I could do better!
They ruin the whole fucking thing. Well, not quite. They are easily forgotten when you hear some of the other artists. Teddy Thompson(a new name to me!) is truly moving singing 'I'm Only Sleeping'. What a fucking acoustic session he gives us! One thing about this concert is that all of the artists make the songs their own and play and sing in their own style.
Sometimes this works, in the case of Dr John( YOU HAVE TO HEAR HIM!) and Teddy Thompson. Even Jamie cullum, whose head I would usually wish to see on the end of a stick above the Thames - like they used to do with the recently beheaded to ward off any troublemakers who fancied their chances with the law but, just this once, Jamie Cullum is fucking brilliant too! I have been listening to this a lot and really wish it was a CD quality, Stereo copy. It isn't BAD quality. It's clear and crisp sound but it is mono.
If you let that put you off then you are more stupid than G.W Bush. I couldn't think of any obviously stupid people right now so I picked the cliche. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.
Oh and the files are in 20Mb parts for reasons I won't bore you with. Let's just say this is the third attempt to upload this today.
The moral here is that not all free filehost services are good. Or actually work!
Yup, here is another Lennon related documentary for you. Even if you have always thought very little of John Lennon, as I did for my whole life until about a week or so ago, I urge you to download and have a listen to this.
Once you understand where the guy was coming from, his worries, problems and the difficulties in dealing with being a Beatle coupled with his mother dying when he was a boy, being brought up by his aunt, though his mother lived round the corner.Depression and, of course, songwriting. Not forgetting Yoko Oh-no.
The man was fascinating. He turned to drugs but who doesn't? For all those who are wondering when I will start posting something OTHER THAN LENNON around here, fear not.Just two more of these to go and that will be Lennon over.
I had hoped the other two might have kept you entertained with their posts but they seem to have abandoned ship already? Surely they are just resting. Or maybe preparing a huge upload of albums for you? Go on.Give this one a go and I promise this will be the FIRST blog to offer the Arctic Monkeys album BEFORE it is released. LINKS: ======part 1====== [RS] 9253238 mrad.rar ================ ================ Tags:::::: By hitmewithit.
(0) Thursday, December 15, 2005. Feeling lazy today so the following is lifted straight from the BBCs own page. 'An in-depth portrait of John Lennon, told through the audio of Jann Wenner's seminal 1970 New York interview for Rolling Stone magazine. The most famous interview Rolling Stone founder Jann Wenner ever did was an extensive interrogation, on tape, of Lennon shortly after the Beatles had broken up.
Lennon and Ono had already given the magazine a blessing of sorts by posing nude for its first anniversary issue in late 1968. Their's was a relationship of trust. An edited version of Wenner's interview went to press in 1971, and the two issues in which it appeared both sold out overnight. The Lennon interview remains one of the most important ever done with a popular musician. Lennon himself regarded it as definitive.
It documented the Beatles' career and split with painstakingly emotional (at times excruciating) detail, and served as a major, and controversial, point of exorcism for Lennon in his coming to terms with the '60s, the legacy of the Beatles and particularly his ruptured relationship with Paul McCartney. He holds forth throughout on the subjects of art and politics, his own musical genius, his love for Yoko, drugs, primal therapy and mysticism. It was the last interview he ever spoke with such candour. He's on terrific form - acidly sharp, furious and funny, philosophical, exuding confidence, at times disarmingly vulnerable. The audio archive for the programme centres exclusively on Wenner's own tapes. It also contains new interviews with both Yoko, who sat beside John throughout, and Jann, who look back on the interview and Lennon's state of mind at the time.' It really does live up to the review in my opinion.
LINKS: ======part 1====== [RS] 9207223 Wenner.part1.rar ================ ======part 2====== [RS] 9207797 Wenner.part2.rar ================ ================ Tags:::::: By hitmewithit. (3) Monday, December 12, 2005.
As this is a Soundtrack from a game.which I get a bit pissed off with(games in general) and now I learn that they even sell the fucking soundtracks?! It is madness. We live in a world where the merchandising shite is created and sold BEFORE the film or game it is taken from.
A case in point. I might be wrong but I believe the game for King Kong the movie has been released BEFORE the film! Fucking money from kids is wrong I say. A game soundtrack I fear is just the same. A money spinning pile of merchandise shit. So, due to these facts I won't even bother listening to this. At least not now.
Too busy listening to some good Lennon stuff. I filled the request though!
Enjoy this, if you like that sort of thing! LINKS: ======part 1====== [RS] 9051233 pdzots.part1.rar ================ ======part 2====== [RS] 9048876 pdzots.part2.rar ================ ======part 3====== [RS] 9053165 pdzots.part3.rar ================ ================ More Lennon tomorrow. Tags:::::: By hitmewithit. The second documentary offering snagged from the BBC last week. This is probably my favourite one out of all of them. As the title says, it delves into exactly what was said and what the repercussions of Lennon comparing himself/ The band to jesus(although he didn't quite do that anyway!). You get a glimpse into just how fucking bad it would have been to deal wiyth all those crazy twat journalists asking the same question over and over.did you say this.?
LINKS: ================== As I said, Bob Marley bootlegs are on hold but coming soon after the Lennon stuff. Tags:::::: By hitmewithit. John Lennons death. Well, the anniversary of it. I was surprisingly affected by this week of Lennon Tributes and have almost completely immersed myself in a Lennon world. Only now I am starting to come up for air and feel all the better for it.
The BBC website has given some blinding stuff out over the week.documentaries, a play about the day he was shot, analysis of songs of his and a great live show that took place between Abbey Road studios and a link to a studio in NYC, some great artists all doing Lennon songs. Some of them brilliantly while others fail VERY miserabley(badly drawn boy, suga babes to name two!). All of this stuff was unfortunately only available in streaming format which isn't so bad.but the type of streaming format was a real bitch: RealMedia. And most of it in MONO too. However, it is something worth keeping and also, for the modem users, something worth hearing without the annoyance of it buffering and cutting out all the time. So I snagged all of the shows and converted from realplayer format to god old MP3.
I hope my time was spent wisely and it brings enjoyment to you. If not, fuck you then, I am glad to have these shows for myself to keep! The first I am posting is a set of 5 shows from last week. Entitled 'Songs in the Key of Lennon', these are 16 minute shorts that try to give some insight and analysis into the meanings behind some of Lennons most well known songs.
An enjoyable and educational listen I think you will agree! Oh and to the guy who got me to download a (shriek!!!!) Game OST, I have it here. Will be uploaded really soon ok.
Mind you, I detest the way that those fucking consoles are taking over our kids minds and how they are always full of fucking violence and shit. So much so, that, had I known it was a GAME OST and not a movie, I wouldn't have bothered as some sort of passive protest.but as I went to the trouble of getting it, I will honour it and post it for you. Fucking PS2's and Xbox360's. What will our kids even remember about REAL, interact with your fellow human know like Ker-Plunk? Playing OUTSIDE maybe, as opposed to sitting in a fucking rancid bedroom refusing to even talk to anyone until the 'next level' is reached.
What are we allowing the world of commerce to turn the next generation into? A bunch of reclusive nerds that have never read a book and think it is cool to wander around a virtual world for HOURS at a time, blasting the ever more realistic looking 'people' in these twisted and fucked up 'games'? I think 'game' is not an accurate description of these things anymore. Enjoy the shows. LINKS: ================ ================ Tags:::::: By hitmewithit. (3) Thursday, December 08, 2005.
A few changes I think you should know. First off I will be phasing out the web address of Over the next few days I will change it so that the address will still send you here but will also prompt you to learn and use the REAL address. (the TK one is just a free service) PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS TO REACH THIS SITE: or But DO NOT use the one with TK at the endof it.
If you do, then you will get forced ads and a popup window every visit to the site. This is the reason I am dropping the use of their service.because, dear reader, I care.
That's right! I no longer want my lovely visitors to be subject to such atrocities as popup advertising and an advertising banner. (Especially one that I don't even get any cash from!). So please learn and use the correct address for the site. Not difficult to remember, even easier to bookmark: or drop the www.
Ejma Bellows Software Applications. As the TK thing is going then it kind of makes the password for the files a bit stupid and pointless so.over the next few days the files will have the new password of: OK. That's me for now.
Don't forget! New address and NEW PASSWORD! Looking for links? OK here is a great and interesting link for you.
Tags:::::: By hitmewithit. (0) Monday, December 05, 2005. Yes, yes, I know, I know I'm a lazy fuck! But I guess you still want to have a general idea of who Andreas Vollenweider is?
That's why I use. Andreas Vollenweider (born October 4, 1953) is a Swiss musician. He is generally categorized as part of the New Age genre; his music is very dynamic and colorful. His primary instrument is an electrically modified harp of his own design, but he plays a wide variety of instruments from around the world. His albums feature many musicians performing his compositions with him, ranging from simple solos to suites for orchestra and soloists. His music is mostly instrumental but he has occasionally forayed into vocal music as well.
His past collaborators include Bobby McFerrin, Carly Simon, Djivan Gasparyan, Luciano Pavarotti, Ladysmith Black Mambazo and Milton Nascimento (among many others). You'll find more info about Andreas Vollenweider.
Here you can also get an overall idea of what his music is like. LINKS: ======part 1====== [RS] 8681762 Rendered_cavern_-_draft.rar ================ Use the OLD password! Oh, by the way, don't fear my friends, although it's only 1.rar-file, the music is ripped at 192 Kb/sec.
Tags:::::: By HitMeWithThat. (5) Thursday, December 01, 2005. Simply put, this is the best recording of Bob Marley that I have ever had the pleasure of hearing. I was speechless when I first heard it the other night. This is a rehearsal session that is taken straight from the soundboard (super clear quality). It is a full CDs worth of Bob Marley & The Wailers, circa 1978.
The tracks covered are excellent too and even better to hear the band and Bob just literally jamming, creating licks and riffs before our ears, some that did make it onto the final cuts of those tracks. Listen to a 24-minute jam of 'Time Will Tell' and how Bob varies the singing and they all try lotsof different melodies. It plays like a typical stoned guitar jamming session really. No note or string is out of time or tune. The whole thing flows like water. Beautifully done.
The best part for me is hearing just how fucking great Bobs voice was. This is a treasure to behold. I don't think I can top this one. If you can be bothered leaving a comment let me know one thing: For the next upload.
A similar quality and rarity of Jimi Hendrix live OR another Bob Marley live? LINKS: ======part 1====== [RS] 8456337 bmw1978-05-31.mp3f.part1.rar ================ ======part 2====== [RS] 8457804 bmw1978-05-31.mp3f.part2.rar ================ ======part 3====== [RS] 8460393 bmw1978-05-31.mp3f.part3.rar ================ ======part 4====== [RS] 8460597 bmw1978-05-31.mp3f.part4.rar ================ ================ I am considering a stint of Marley concerts and rarities that aren't the stuff seen on every blog under the sun.
What do you think? I know I will probably do it anyway but it's good to know if I am driving people away or making someone happy.
Whatever, spare a second to let me know. Now download this gem! Tags:::::: By hitmewithit. The above disclaimer is in no way associated with anything of reference to the possible (intended or not), activities, rights, opinions, files, erect or flacid rants of this site, its affiliates, ingratiates, infidels and fundamentalists(or just mentalists) and as such will not be represented, presented, hidden, shown, read, said, hinted at or even thought of in any form(possible or impossible) which may or may not be an ability of the present form of life(as is in existence on this planet this very day), known as Homo Sapiens.
Absolute impartiality notwithstanding, the author hereby declares that this website, in its entirety, is, in fact, a farcical gesture of peace to the modern world. Not unlike the putrid offerings of the US and UK and their Middle East Involvement. There is a point to this disclaimer for the wise that dared to read on.We Must Save The Planet, Fuck the Government, Make people Smile and have Great Sex.