Amiga Workbench 3 1 Adf Software
Jul 23, 2013. I am very new to this forum and Amiga computers in general (had one when I was 12 years old, but that's like aaages ago now). Bought an A600 with a ACA630-30 card, 20 GB (!) HD and a Easy ADF Transfer Kit. It came with Workbench 2.1 installed. But I would very much like to do 'a clean. 6/3/2017 0 Comments Amiga Workbench 3 1 Adf. Needed to run software on an Amiga. Adf Amiga Files/Shared/adf. I got workbench 3.1.
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File Transfers Amiga Emulator FAQ Updated Winuae Disk Images, ROMs, File Transfer F.A.Q. How can I copy the Kickstart ROM and Workbench disks from my PC to my Amiga? A) Kickstart The Kickstart is a ROM chip contains essential parts of the Operating System and an Amiga cannot boot without it. A copy of the kickstart can be copied from your Amiga using the TransRom utility which is found in C: Program Files Winuae Amiga Programs folder. Kickstarts and rom.key file are supplied on the Amiga Forever CD in the D: Amiga Files Shared ROM folder. I) Getting a KickStart image using Transrom: a) Copy from the Amiga Programs dir that came with Winuae, to a 720k formatted floppy.
B) Insert floppy disk into Amiga and copy Transrom into C: directory. (Assuming you have MSH or Crossdos to read PC disk else use a serial network and transfer it) c) Assuming you have enough disk space/ram, type Transrom >kick.rom in a Shell to create a 256K or 512k rom image called kick.rom. D) Copy kick.rom image back to PC floppy disk (or use serial n/w) e.g Copy kick.rom to PC0: e) Copy kick.rom image to Winuae directory from floppy on your PC!
B) Workbench The Workbench is the Amiga's User Interface to manage files and start application programs and from v1.0 to 3.1 it is supplied on Floppy disk which must be converted to ADF disk images to be used with Winuae. A larger set Workbenchs (upto 3.9) can be found on the Amiga Forever CD in D: Emulation shared ADF and a full Workbench directory hard disk set up in D: Emulation shared dir. Standalone Workbench or AmigaOS 3.9 (68k) or 4.1 (PPC) CD can be purchased from any good Amiga dealer (for example and can be read directly on a PC as a Read Only Directory based Hard Disk on Winuae. Workbench 3.x is also supplied with the download or CD/DVD versions. II) Using Transdisk to transfer disk images: Use the program to create ADF images of WB disks. TransDisk >ram:mydisk.adf will create a 900k disk image file in RAM: of the disk in DF0.
You can use Zip or Gzip to compress the file down and then can be copied onto a 720K PC formatted disk to be directly read on the PC using CrossDos or (or use a Serial Network from the Amiga to PC to transfer it directly). If you are low on memory (512K), then you will need to copy the disk in chunks of a few tracks (0-79) of the disk. Transdisk -s 0 -e 30 >mydisk1.adf Transdisk -s 31 -e 60 >mydisk2.adf Transdisk -s 61 -e 79 >mydisk3.adf then you can transfer them to the PC and then join the files together: Copy /B mydisk1.adf+mydisk2.adf+mydisk3.adf mydisk.adf to create the full 900K file. If you have WB 2.0 or better, try program which has a nice Workbench frontend!
III) Using a serial network to transfer files to/from Amiga. You will need to connect the PC and Amiga using a cross over (null modem) serial cable connected to 25 pin Serial port on the Amiga and the 9 pin COM1 port on the PC. Also try which works with AmigaBasic and a HyperTerminal on the PC side.
IV) Using USB storage to transfer files to/from Amiga. You will need an 1200 or later with X-Surf network board or a free clock port and the USB Controller to connect USB storage to the Amiga. The Poseidon USB Stack software will control the USB port. USB Storage needs to be FAT/FAT32 formatted to be readable on both PC and Amiga.
V) Online cloud storage. If avaialble and you have a modern browser (such as ), you can use something like to exchange files between the systems. Where can I purchase Kickstart and Workbench disks? Kickstart ROMs and Workbench are COPYRIGHT of Amiga Inc and it is ILLEGAL to distribute them or download them from unauthorised sites. For real Workbench disks, you can get replacement disks from from £11.75. How can I transfer files from PC to the Amiga (or vice versa)? To transfer files over a peer to peer network, try to transfer files between a PC and an Amiga using a serial null modem cable, a bluetooth connection or a standard TCP/IP connection.
If you have Windows 2000, XP or later, you can use to create ADF images of Amiga disks using standard PC hardware with two floppy drives (A:, B:) If you have two floppy drives and the new program, you can read Amiga Disks in one drive and write it to FDI format on another disk in the other drive, the FDI files are compatible with the latest Winuae program. To read PC formatted disks on the Amiga you can use CrossDos (supplied with Workbench 2.1, 3.0 or 3.1 or higher) or download (MessyDos) from Aminet for similar features. Amiga disks drives support DD/DS 720K disks. For 1.44MB disks you need to have a high density drive using the interface (for A1200). To format disks on Windows XP use Format A: /N:9 /T:80 (for old OS use Format A: /F: 720). For the PC to read Amiga disks directly, extra hardware will need to be purchased which can read (or write) Amiga disks easily.
The Catweasel Mk3 floppy controller can be used on the PC to read (or write) Amiga disks. Further information is available from the web site.
Also, see review in Amiga Format No 116 (Nov 98) p.58. If you have an Amiga Hard Disk and want to transfer its contents, try this suite of programs. Can I convert ADFs back into Amiga disks? Yep, that is possible. You can use the command e.g.
Transdisk -w mydisk.adf which will write the image to DF0: and there are some other programs available such as, ADF2FMS, which are available on Aminet (see above for links) in disk/misc. Disks are sometimes created with DMS (DiskMasher) which be converted to files or ADFs using. Can I emulate a Hard Disk on the Emulator? Yes, that is possible.
You can either specify a directory on the PC's hard disk e.g. C: UAE AmigaHD or you can specify a hard file. The advantage of a directory is that you can copy files directly from the PC site into the directory for immediate access by the Emulator. For hard files you can use the Amiga's long filenames, file comments and protection flags. For a hard disk to be bootable, make sure you copy the whole Workbench disk including hidden directories. Some programs work better with Hard Files than directories.
Winuae 0.8.22 or later can read Amiga Formatted hard disks directly via the Hard Drives tab on Winuae. Click on Add Harddrive and it will list any connected Amiga harddrives or any empty harddrive space to add to Winuae on Windows 2000 or XP. On older emulators, you could only access hard disks via the AFFS file system on Linux or a third party program such as ADFOpus.
If using Workbench 1.3, it is now possible to use HardFiles if you copy the FastFileSystem file to the Winuae roms directory first (0.8.22r1 or later). The HDF may not be recognised on bootup, in which case, boot off a WB2 or later disk to format it then WB1.3 can then see it. Can I access Amiga CDs via the Emulator?
Yes, Amiga CDs use the same filesystem for CDs as the PC i.e. ISO9660 except that it uses the Rock Ridge extension for long filenames, PCs use a file system called Joliet for long filenames.
CacheCDFS can read all these formats. There are two ways to access Amiga CD disks: insert the CD into your CD drive, on the Hard Drive screen of Winuae, click 'Add Directory' and then enter the volume name of the CD and the drive letter of the CD ROM drive e.g. D: (without the slash). Use the Diskchange command in a Shell if you change CDs (type Info for list of devices). With Winuae 0.8.21 or later you can install the CacheCDFS CDROM drivers from either AmigaOS3.9 CD or a third party driver such as AmiCDFS.
You need to enable uaescsi.device on the Misc tab before starting Winuae and enable Logging to determine the Unit numbers (see winuaelog.txt file) for your CDROM drive. When you install the drive make sure the device is uaescsi.device and the unit numbers match the unit numbers in the log file.
With Winuae 2.3.0 or later, you can now access CD images or drives via the Hard Disk configuration tab. CD images can be in CUE, CCD, MDS or the common ISO format. With Winuae 2.4.0 or later, the CD filesystem is built in, so no drivers are required. See Hard Drives tab and the 'CDFS automount CD/DVD drives' option.
How do I create a blank disk for saving files or games? For WinUAE, goto Floppies tab and click on 'Create Blank Floppy' button or click 'Create Standard Floppy' for use in Workbench or use 'Create Custom Floppy' for some games to save files to.
If a standard Floppy image will not work then you can create Custom Blank Floppy. What do I need to network my Amiga and PC?
If floppy disks are too small and need to transfer many files, a serial network is needed to transfer files between the the PC and Amiga. All you need is the following items: a) Terminal software for Amiga and PC, preferably ones than can do Binary Transfers using common protocols such as Kermit and X/Y/Z Modem.
Amiga term programs include. PC terminal programs include Terminal or HyperTerminal usually supplied with Windows. A commonly used program called can be used instead or PC2Ami or (Windows 9x). B) If you do not have a program on the Amiga side then you can use from Cloanto which supports both ends of the network from one program. C)A serial cable with 9pin end for PC and 25 pin end for Amiga.
It has to be a null-modem cable which means that lines 2 and 3 have to cross over to receive/transmit between peers and line 7 for control signals. See here for a null modem cable. D) Connect the computers with serial lead and load up the software on each end. E) Start binary receive on one end using one of the protocols common to both programs.
F) Start binary transmit on the other and load the file to be transmitted, it should then transfer to the other end in seconds/minutes depending on size. G) Further details of networking can be found.
H) If you want to use Compact Flash devices, then use which is designed for PC/Mac users. How can I make or see inside ADF or HDF files without using an emulator? You need or which will allow you to create and explore and manipulate the contents of Amiga Disk Format images easily. ADFOpus also features a DMS-ADF-ADZ image converter as well. How can I install a ADF game onto my Hard disk?
Some games come with a HD installer script included on the game disk, if the disk is visible on the Workbench. Other games will require loading from a image copied to the HD and run using a special install file using the WHDLoad system. You can download WHDLoad from (see dev/misc and game/patch) or the home page. A FAQ about WHDLoad is at the website.