Alcatel 875 Drivers
M-ar interesa si pe mine sa imi iau in curand un Vodafone Smart Mini pe post de prim smartphone. M-am jucat foarte putin cu el in magazin si mi-a placut cum se misca si cum se comporta.
Numai ca nu stiu cam ce ii poate pielea in materie de camera. Am incercat sa fac o poza sau sa filmez, dar avea firele alea infipte chiar in dreptul camerei, prin urmare n-am putut sa fac nimic. Are cumva careva de pe-aici modelul asta de telefon? Poate ma ajuta cineva cu ceva poze si un filmulet demo facut cu telefonul asta, ca am cautat in disperare pe net asa ceva, si n-am gasit nimic. Multumesc anticipat.
Download the latest and original Vodafone USB Drivers to connect any Vodafone Smartphone and Tablets to the Windows Computer quickly.
Am descoperit o metoda de a face telefonul sa sune mai tare (si sa se auda mai tare in general): 1. Deschideti aplicatia de apelare 2.
Scrieti codul *#*#3646633#*#* 3. Du-te la tab-ul Hardware testing 4. Apasati pe audio 5.
Apasati pe normal mode 6. Apasati o data pe butonul inapoi pentru a ascunde tastatura 7. Schimbati valoarea la max vol. Apasati pe butonul set de langa valoarea de la max vol. Inchideti tot si bucura-te de un sunet mai puternic la telefon. (puteti face acelasi lucru la headset mode (volumul din timpul apelarii) sau la loudspeaker mode (volumul apelarii cand telefonul este dat pe speaker)) •.
M-ar interesa si pe mine sa imi iau in curand un Vodafone Smart Mini pe post de prim smartphone. M-am jucat foarte putin cu el in magazin si mi-a placut cum se misca si cum se comporta. Numai ca nu stiu cam ce ii poate pielea in materie de camera. Am incercat sa fac o poza sau sa filmez, dar avea firele alea infipte chiar in dreptul camerei, prin urmare n-am putut sa fac nimic. Are cumva careva de pe-aici modelul asta de telefon? Poate ma ajuta cineva cu ceva poze si un filmulet demo facut cu telefonul asta, ca am cautat in disperare pe net asa ceva, si n-am gasit nimic.
Multumesc anticipat. Nimeni, nimic? In plus, am vazut ca unii utilizatori se plang ca telefonul nu ar avea vibratii, ca de fapt vibratia ar fi un sunet din difuzorul telefonului. Cu toate astea, peste tot prin specificatiile telefonului pe care le-am citit pe net, se pare ca ar avea vibratii. Am inteles de la un alt utilizator cum ca ar vibra, intr-adevar, dar slab.
Care e adevarul pana la urma? Vibreaza, sau nu? Edited by viruselworm, 10 July 2013 - 17:48. Am descoperit o metoda de a face telefonul sa sune mai tare (si sa se auda mai tare in general): 1. Deschideti aplicatia de apelare 2. Scrieti codul *#*#3646633#*#* 3. Du-te la tab-ul Hardware testing 4.
Apasati pe audio 5. Apasati pe normal mode 6.
Apasati o data pe butonul inapoi pentru a ascunde tastatura 7. Schimbati valoarea la max vol. Apasati pe butonul set de langa valoarea de la max vol. Inchideti tot si bucura-te de un sunet mai puternic la telefon. (puteti face acelasi lucru la headset mode (volumul din timpul apelarii) sau la loudspeaker mode (volumul apelarii cand telefonul este dat pe speaker)) am pus 160 dar tot nu se adude destul.daca setez o cifra mai mare am sansa sa ard difuzorul? Camera e modesta!!!!
Pentru 2-3MP!pentru mine e de ajuns,depinde de tine ce asteptari ai,corect!? Filmulete demo si fotografii nu are rost. Da,nu vibreaza.doar un fel de sunet! Da, corect, depinde de asteptari. Evident ca nu ma astept la o camera care sa ma dea pe spate, dar daca pozele sunt macar ca si cele pe care le face un Sony Ericsson Zylo (care mi se pare ca are 3.15 MP sau asa ceva), eu sunt mai mult decat multumit.
Insa nu am cum sa compar cata vreme nu gasesc nicaieri niciun sample, nimic. Am vazut (la alte modele de telefoane, ce-i drept), camere de 3-4 MP mai proaste (culmea) decat unele de 2 (si cand zic asta ma refer inclusiv la luminozitate). De asta cerusem fotografii si filmulete demo. Asa, daca e sa compar numai cifrele in sine (3.15 la Zylo vs. 2 la Smart Mini), nu ma incalzeste cu nimic. Teoretic la Smart Mini camera ar fi mai slaba, insa practic.
N-am de unde sti.
THIS WILL ONLY WORK WITH DEVICES USING EMMC PARTITION LAYOUT! Otherwise flashtool cannot properly readback needed files wich will cause a bricked device. For rooting mt6573 or mt6575 without emmc partition layout, refere to this method by rua1: You need to upload the needed files to your Computer using the Read Page Only feature. ALSO, MAKE SURE YOUR DON'T TRY THAT ON AN ALCATEL (OR SIMILAR) DEVICE, INDICATOR HERE IS A CUSTPACK PARTITION IN SCATTERFILE.
Those devices have mt65xx, but have a totally different partition strukture. You can try this tutorial, BUT IF YOU BRICK YOUR DEVICE; I CANNOT HELP YOU OUT!!! Since a lot of devices have different hardware - e.g. Display or Camera - making a Backup of your device should have highest priority.
Flashing a wrong ROM can brick your phone!! What is needed. If you wan't to use the newest Versionof MTK Droid Tools, refere to here: also, you can buy Master Shifu rua1 a coffee for his great tool! Support for the newest Version of Droid Tools is NOT given in this thread! I personally don't use his tool so if something unexpected happens, its not my fault.:P for mt6589, newer flashtool is needed!!! If there are some problems with reading back or flashing the device, newer flashtool is needed.
Install the needed drivers. Installing VCOM drivers might take a while, because it will show up just a few seconds while connecting the phone(off). And now the Step-by-Step tutorial to backup your boot.img, recovery.img and system.img for rooting.
Enable USB-debugging under Settings-Development->USB debugging 2. Phone should now get recognized as 'Android Phone - Android Composite ADB Interface' ->if this is a Unknown Device, you should install the ADB drivers. 3. Naruto Shippuden Ninja Generations Mugen Special Moves. Open MTK Droid Tools 4. Connect device to USB (USB Debugging has to be enabled) 5.
Device informations has been loaded, Press on 'Blocks Map' We'll need to find the lines bootimg, recovery and Android. We'll need to write down Start-adress(Scatter) and the Size for every line. (i made a screenshot, writing down isn't necessary.) In MY Case, this is: bootimg: 00F88000 size: 00600000 recovery: 01588000 size: 00600000 Android: 026E8000 size: 31900000 6. Now we'll need to click on 'Create Scatter File' and you can save it as ' MT6577_Android_scatter_emmc.txt' 7. You can Close MTK Droid Tools now. Now we need to open SP Flash Tool and we need to load the scatter file.
Now we'll need to click on ' Read Back' in the top of SP Flash Tool. Click on 'ADD' 3 Times, we will create 'ROM_0', 'ROM_1' and 'ROM_2'. Doubleclick on 'ROM_0', and select a place to save it, e.g. C:/N9770_backup/ and rename it to 'boot.img' 11. Now it will ask you for the Start Adress and lengh for bootimg, we wrote down earlier.
This is in my case: Start Address: 0x00F88000; Lenght: 0x00600000. The first ' 0x' MUST remain at its place!
The same thing you'll need to do for 'recovery' and 'android'. Disconnect, shut down and remove the battery of your Device.
Now we'll need to click on 'Read Back', insert your battery and connect your device to USB. (VCOM driver is needed now, you'll need to install it before getting to the next steps) 14. If this were correct, a red bar should appear on the bottom of SP Flash Tool. You'll need to wait until the green ring appears. 15.Flash Tool now read back the 3 files. System.img isn't that important, but boot.img and recovery.img should be around 6 MB. If the file is smaller or bigger, the length is different to my device or there was a failure while reading back your firmware.
So make sure, that at least recovery or boot.img has the right size!! Back to droid tools.
Reconnect your device to USB, debugging should be enabled, too. Switch to ' root, backup, recovery' tab in MTK Droid Tools. Select ' to choose the boot.img' and press on 'Recovery and boot'. Select your backup boot.img and recovery,img. MTK droid tools will patch boot.img, so you obtain permanent shellroot.
(optional) a window will pop-up and ask you, if you want to install CWM-r. I cannot tell you if that will work, but you can try it, since you backed up your recovery before. ) (optional) a window will pop-up and ask you for the name of your device(you connected it before starting droidtools, so this should not ask you for the name). You can just press enter or you can enter a name for your device.
Droid Tools should have modified the boot.img. '--a task is complete--' text should show up in the right of droidtools.
Back to Flashtool You'll need to load the Scatter (like in Step 8) select boot.img and recovery.img. Make sure you select the modified files. (./Droidtools/recovery/boot.img and recovery.img) only boot and recovery should be selected!! 19.disconnect, shout down and remove the battery of your device.
Press on 'Download', a window will show up that you have not selected all images. You can press on 'OK'.
Insert the battery and connect your device to USB. Flash process should start and if it worked, green ring will appear. Back to DroidTools.
Device needs to be connected and debugging enabled. Switch to 'root, backup, recovery' again and press on ' SuperUser'.
This will push superuser, SU binary and busybox to your device. Your Device is rooted now.
You can make a Full backup with Droid Tools now. Thx to n2k1 and tommy0815 for the needed files and the original tutorial!! If i helped you, don't forget to press on 'thanks'. Guys, this will work on every mt65xx device, if you installed all drivers sucessfully.this whole thing basically changes a value in Boot.IMG To obtain permanent root in the shell.
This is the same on EVERY mt65xx based smartphone. Basically you are rooted now. Just needs To push busybox, su and superuser To your device. Thos whole thing seems complex, but you make a backup oft your modified files before modifiing. I never Had device this tutorial was not working every mt6575, 6577 and 6589 should work without an problem. Mt6573 can be a Problem because oft their YAFFS partition strukture.
Quote: Originally Posted by Chrizzly92 Guys, this will work on every device, if you installed all drivers sucessfully.this whole thing basically changes a value in Boot.IMG To obtain permanent root in the shell. This is the same on EVERY mt65xx based smartphone. Basically you are rooted now. Just needs To push busybox, su and superuser To your device. Thos whole thing seems complex, but you make a backup oft your modified files before modifiing.
I never Had device this tutorial was not working every mt6575, 6577 and 6589 should work without an problem. Mt6573 can be a Problem because oft their YAFFS partition strukture. That sounds great! Thx man for the informations! Edit: Now i tried to root the phone. Everything is went fine till phase nr.19.
At this point when the flashtool tried to write back the modified boot.img and recovery.img it gave back me the attached error window. What should be the problem? I went through the steps with doublecheck and everything was fine till that point. I tried this step two or three times more, but every time gave me this error message. What should I do now?
If it helps I can upload the log folder content here.