Airside Drivers Licence Cairns
Jandakot Airport Holdings Pty Ltd, as the Airport Operator, is required to control vehicle access and surface driving within the Airside area in accordance with the. Vehicles may not be driven Airside unless the vehicle has been issued with an Authority for Use Airside (AUA) permit, and the driver has been issued with an Authority to Drive Airside (ADA) licence. Vehicles and drivers that do not hold the required permits, but who have a valid reason to be airside, must be under escort by a Jandakot Airport Holdings (JAH) vehicle. Airside Vehicle Control Handbook The rules and requirements for airside driving are detailed in the Airside Vehicle Control Handbook (AVCH). Download Lagu Labaik Allahuma Labaik Raihan Mp3 more. All drivers and vehicles within the airside area must comply with these procedures.
AIRSIDE DRIVERS HANDBOOK BRISBANE. It details basic safety rules and driving standards required for drivers of vehicles on the Airside of. Territory Licence.